Packing is one of the least exciting yet absolutely essential parts of traveling. Don’t let this daunting task take away from the excitement of your adventure. Use these packing tips to help streamline the process.

Make a List

Make a List

Start by making a detailed list of where you’re going and the activities you’ll be doing when you get there. Take some time to look up the weather as well. When you pack as accurately as possible, it will help you cut down on the number of items you take. Plan outfits that you can layer depending on weather and figure out where you can re-wear certain items in order to maximize space. After you’ve done all that, check each item off your list as you put it in your bag. You can even make two lists. One for clothing and one for toiletries and any other items you won’t be able to pack until the day of (toothbrush, makeup, etc.). This will ensure you don’t forget anything and will give you peace of mind as you travel.

Wear Bulkiest Items on the Plane

This may seem like a no brainer, but it’s worth mentioning anyway. If you are traveling somewhere that will require you to take a heavy jacket or pair of boots, wear these items on the plane. In doing this, you will create so much extra room in your luggage. Additionally, your bag won’t weigh as much. You can always remove and store your coat while on the flight or use it as a pillow or blanket.

Pack Extra Bags

You never know when a Ziploc, grocery sack, or tote will come in handy. Be sure to pack various sized bags for any items you want to keep separate from your other clothing. You can use them for dirty articles of clothing, exploded or messy toiletries, etc. They lay flat, weigh nothing and will save your life if you happen to need one.

Extra space in suitcase

Leave Extra Room

You know yourself. So you also know that you’ll probably end up buying something during the course of your trip. Imagine fitting your souvenirs into your bag that’s already stuffed to capacity. It’s not going to happen. Take out things you won’t wear and don’t need. Don’t pack items thinking ‘just in case this happens, I’ll bring [insert random item]’. Chances are you won’t need it and it will just take up valuable space in your bag. On the off chance you do need a random item, use it as an opportunity to treat yourself to something new. Pack as little as possible.


According to multiple sources on the internet, rolling your clothing with tissue paper reduces wrinkles. Additionally, packing cubes are an excellent resource to help you organize your suitcase. You can find these on amazon for less than $25 here.

Packing is an essential part of traveling. Instead of dreading it, turn the least exciting part of adventuring into one of your best skills.

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