Do you have a long vacation or work trip planned? It can be stressful living out of suitcases in a place that is not your own. We all want to pack enough but not over pack. We want to make sure that we have all our favorite things to make us comfortable. Here are some ideas to help.
One thing that makes almost everyone uncomfortable is germs. Think about how quickly they turn around hotel rooms. There is no way they are germ-free. Before you get comfy in your room, you might want to clean the areas and items that you are going to touch the most. Once you have done a little cleaning, you will be able to relax. You will know that it is clean and can truly feel at home.
Pillow and Blanket
I always miss my pillow when I stay at a hotel. For a prolonged stay, you will be thankful if you have your pillow. It would be terrible to have a neck ache because of the worn-out pillows that are provided at the hotel. A favorite blanket is another touch that you will love. It will smell like home instead of whatever detergent they are currently using. Having these sensory objects around will make it easier to sleep in your home away from home.

Unpack Right Away
Don’t wait to get things out of your bags as you need them. Unpack as soon as you arrive. Set up your clothes in the closet and dresser just like you would at home. Getting dressed will go much smoother. Another place you will want things put out is the bathroom. Having all your toiletries out and available will make your mornings flow. Not having to dig through bags every time you need something will help keep your anxiety down. No one likes living out of a suitcase.
Don’t forget to bring a laptop or iPad. Chances are the hotel won’t have all the channels you like to watch. With your own devices, you will be able to stream whatever services that you get at home. You will be able to keep up on your regular shows. If you bring the right cables, you could even use the T.V. for a bigger screen. You won’t regret bringing your laptop. It will be more comfortable than watching shows on your phone.

Scents/Ear Plugs
Two things that can make a hotel unbearable are the smells and the noise. All homes have their unique aroma and its something we don’t know we are going to miss until we are gone. Candles may not be allowed in some places, but diffusers shouldn’t be a problem. The other thing that reminds you that you are not home is the noises of the other visitors. Pack earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to block out all of those unwanted sounds.
Don’t forget a thing! Have everything you need to make your home away from home as relaxing as possible.